What is this site ?

This is the documentation site of the pid framework. A framework is a collection of libraries, executables and other software artifacts.

The site has been automatically generated using jekyll, configured using CMake and updated/published using gitlab, based on a dedicated development environment called PID. Technically, this site has been generated from this source repository (you may have no access to the repository project).

In PID environment frameworks are agregates of packages, each package containing any kind of software artifacts (libraries, executables, configuration files and more generally any kind of filesystem resources). They allow to put into a common place any information about these packages (either for developpers or end-users).

How to use this site ?

This site has the same general “look and feel” as any other framework in PID:

  • The header bar provides menus that help you navigate between different global pages of the framework.
    • Documentation provides submenus to access all kind of documentation of the framework:
      • Introduction : quick introduction to the framework purpose.
      • Install : to get installation instructions.
      • Tutorial : to get information about how using the framework.
      • Advanced topics : to get more information on advanced topics.
    • Activity provides the history of last activities in the framework. These activities consist in:
      • Information about packages update. Any time a new version is released, the activity get a new post.
      • Information about global modification of the framework site global content.
    • About provides this help page and a contact page.
  • The left sidebar provides an entry for each package belonging to the framework. By cliking on it you can simply go to the package page. The package page has a header that allows to navigate between package elements. This header menu is empty for external packages. For native packages it contains following items:
    • Documentation provides submenus to access all kind of documentation of the framework:
      • Introduction : quick introduction to the package purpose.
      • Install : to get installation instructions.
      • Use : to know of to use libraries in your own programs
      • Tutorial : to get information about how to use the package.
      • Advanced topics : to get more information on advanced topics.
    • Developers provides submenus to get info about the development of the package (some of these section may be unavailable depending on the package)
      • API documentation lets you consult the doxygen generated documentation of the package (last release version only).
      • Static Checks lets you consult the cppcheck generated report of static checks on the package (last release version only).
      • Coverage lets you consult the lcov generated report of tests coverage on the package (last release version only).
      • Binaries gives the list of all available binaries (available versions for different platforms).
    • Contact tells you who to contact to get help about the package.